4 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE Hall Of Fame 2018
6. Hillbilly Jim's Broadway

Supercilia the world over said goodbye to gravity with WWE's decision to honour Hillbilly Jim. Erring on the side of optimism, those raised eyebrows could perhaps at least be joined by an upturned mouth if he delivered an entertaining speech about wrestling's 'Golden Era'?
It's not as though Bill Jilly Him hasn't earned his final moment in the spotlight, but the operative word here is 'moment'. Not only did Jim's address feel as though it was trying to break some sort of evil world record for longevity, but it was delivered with the inconsistent rhythm of an amnesiac kitten attempting to play the drums. Perhaps we can blame the ridiculously obvious teleprompter for that, but it was unbearable either way.
The most interesting thing this viewer learnt was that baby worms are set to be sent into space, one's attention diverted towards mindless phone browsing around the fifteen minute mark. 25 minutes later, it was still going on, like some sort of one-man interpretation of Dante. Minus any comedy.