4 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE Raw (July 12)


6. Going 50/50

AJ Styles Omos Erik

Trope #1: 50/50 booking.

Ivar beat AJ Styles in the first match between future Raw Tag Title rivals, then the towering Omos thumped Erik in the follow up. That, dear readers, is rather milk toast stuff. Anyone who does care about this background feud learned nothing here, meaning it was a colossal waste of everyone's time.

Byron Saxton shouted about momentum after Ivar's win, but that was rendered pointless by Omos smashing his buddy. It's also unclear why WWE decided to go with two singles matches here instead of a tag bout between two tag-teams. Surely a non-title effort with a screwy finish would've been better?

In just 10 minutes, WWE had AJ call The Viking Raiders smelly (like he's some child), lose to one of them, watch his heavy wreck shop and then struggle to hoist Omos' arm in the air. Meanwhile, The Raiders stayed in exactly the same spot they were beforehand.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.