4 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Sep 24)

5. Tag-Along Toni

King Nakamura Rick Boogs Toni Storm

Michael Cole can scream like a fanboy about how Toni Storm's mother is responsible for her music taste. The SmackDown play-by-play man can even talk about how Toni is an 80s wild child. None of that will matter if she becomes tag-along T and starts getting the hots for Rick Boogs.

That's totally where they're going with this, huh?

One has to question the wisdom of putting Storm with Nakamura and Boogs. Those lads have enough going on without her, and it's not like Toni's character has been fleshed out enough to make her some major get for the tandem anyway. If anything, this is so one note and flimsy.

Storm likes rock n' roll and Boogs dresses like a Van Halen knock off. Hmm. Wonder which genius stayed up all night putting two and two together here. Fingers crossed this doesn't turn into a crummy romance angle, because that could be killer for Toni and Boogs.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.