4 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Sep 24)

3. F*ck The Former Champs (Apparently)

Nikki A.S.H Natalya

There are major issues elsewhere in the women's division on SmackDown too.

Natalya and Tamina have been jobbed out rather spectacularly since dropping the Women's Tag-Team belts to Nikki A.S.H and Rhea Ripley. This week, Nattie lost a nothing match to Nikki before Tegan Nox and Shotzi Blackheart were clearly installed as the new champ's next challengers.

So much for all those tears back during WrestleMania season then. Nattie and Tamina's reign has been totally forgotten; WWE do this all the time. Ex-champs go through a rough patch immediately after losing their prizes, and then it's rinse and repeat. That's why nobody cares about this Nikki and Ripley reign.

It'll end with the same shrug of some shoulders.

On the bright side, at least A.S.H and Rhea vs. Nox and Shotzi should be fun. That babyface vs. babyface showdown has Extreme Rules Kickoff show written all over it mind. The fact this sort of throw-away stuff is all WWE has for these titles says everything.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.