4 Ups & 7 Downs From This Week's Impact Wrestling (May 24)

2. Training Montage Redux

Another Rascalz backstage segment aired this week, and as has become the case as of late, it was another delight to watch.

At first, things were a bit different – there was no smoke blowing through the air, and all three members appeared to be majorly stressed out over not being able to climb the Rocky stairs in last week’s training montage clip. Then, the smoke reappeared, the trio were back under the influence, and we were treated to a second montage in as many weeks. How lucky are we?

Unlike last week’s offering, Dez, Wentz, and Trey came off as being much stronger than what they demonstrated last week. They managed to do pull ups on their own, they managed to flip a wooden pallet, and most importantly of all, they reached the top of the Rocky stairs.

It might not seem like that much, but these segments are now an absolute bundle of joy to view. With the way Impact’s been lately with all these ECW stars coming in, it’s something that’s needed to help keep the product from completely turning on its head.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.