4 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE SmackDown (March 7)
4. The Miz Turns Things Around
With SmackDown off to a stuttering start, up rose The Miz and Maryse to get the show right back on track. After excelling on commentary throughout the Cena/Bella vs. Ellsworth/Carmella match, the couple jumped the victors afterwards, and Miz cut into Cena and Bella's relationship with one of his trademark scathing promos, proclaiming their whole relationship "a lie."
At this stage, Miz could probably read out his weekly shopping list and turn it into a compelling promo. He is consistently one of the most entertaining personalities in WWE, inside the ring and out, and he's not afraid of getting brutally personal with his enemies. Here, Miz chastised Cena for forcing Nikki to sign a contract to move-in with him, then called him emotionless, proclaiming that everything he does is motivated only by self-interest - including his relationship with Nikki.
Miz followed-up with a Talking Smack promo that stands-up to his career's best work, ensuring that this rivalry already feels like one of WrestleMania 33's most heated bouts. The match itself might not be any good, but the promo battles were always going to excel, and Cena's rebuttals should be excellent next week.