4 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night’s WWE NXT (July 1)

2. Tye Dillinger Now Officially Underused

Tye Dillinger deserves more. He has a good look, is fundamentally sound in the ring, but just hasn't been given anything to do other than job to the stars. Last night marked the first time he'd been on our screens in a while, and he lost in less than 3 minutes to Tyler Breeze. Before that, on TV he's mixed it up with Finn Balor, Jason Jordan, and Baron Corbin, and lost each time in a short amount of time. With the aggression that Dillinger shows whenever he wrestles, even if it's in a no-chance effort against a top talent, most fans would hope that he wouldn't go unnoticed by the fans, and thankfully he hasn't. Last night Dillinger received more fan support than the supposed babyface, Tyler Breeze. This could possibly be chalked up to the face that Breeze's babyface turn has gone unexplained, relying on 'well the fans seem to like him, so let's just have him wrestle heels'. However, it could also be a reflection of Dillinger's workrate. Wrestling fans love talented underdogs especially when cheering for them can be seen as sticking it to backstage management. He received steady support throughout, and when he slammed Prince Pretty to the mat, Dillinger was cheered by the crowd who chanted "Ten" (out of ten) at him, and he broke a smile, grateful for the applause. A one-off, or a sign of fan support to come? Either way, Dillinger is better than jobbing to the stars. Hopefully, the fans will continue to let WWE know.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.