4 Ups And 5 Downs From WWE NXT 2.0 (Nov 30)

3. Wagner And O'Reilly Book Their Shot... To Crickets

Kyle O'Reilly

Your writer mentioned last week that it very much felt as though the crowd were angling to see Legado del Fantasma's high flying Joaquin Wilde and Raul Mendoza take on Imperium for the NXT Tag Team Championships at NXT WarGames. But any person with a set of ears could have come to that conclusion in recent weeks.

But, instead of giving the crowd what they clearly wanted last night (and had for the many nights before this), the Von Wagner express, with a Kyle O'Reilly steam engine, continued rolling on through our dreams. The match itself showcased precisely why Legado should've once again been given the ball to run with as the duo exploded around the ring like men possessed and frequently combined precision with mouth-watering innovation - Wilde's springboard senton was poetry in motion.

Yet, a Xyon Quinn interruption at ringside soon evened the odds (after he'd circled Elektra Lopez like a creepy, horny shark) to the point where the Legado lads were made to feel like they were at an odd disadvantage. One low bridge from Wagner to Mendoza and a devastating High-Low piece of double teaming from the poorly received mismatched couple later, and Kool Kyle and his lumbering mate had booked their WarGames ticket.

All signs seem to be pointing to a last hurrah of sorts for O'Reilly at the event, with his contract rumoured to be up this month. And can you really blame him? His run under the developmental lights has been well and truly Wagnered for some time.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...