4 Ups And 8 Downs From WWE Raw (Feb 14)
2. Bliss ‘Cured’… As Long As She Keeps Security Blanket

How many box-tops did the therapist helping Alexa Bliss have to mail in to get his degree?
The Alexa Bliss storyline raced to its climax Monday night, as the unnamed therapist decided she was cured… with a big caveat. After working to convince Bliss that Lilly wasn’t real and wasn’t good for her, he decided that a good solution would be to fill a replica Lilly doll with the stuffing from the original doll, then instruct Bliss to carry the doll around everywhere.
Seriously, the therapist actually said that only if she carried the doll around everywhere would she be cured, implying that if she loses the doll, she’ll lose her mind and relapse/crater again.
That’s some really suspect therapy. Dr. Shelby would not approve.
Oh, and Bliss then entered herself in the women’s Elimination Chamber. So there’s that too.