43 WTF Moments From WWE Fastlane

37. The Timing Of The Divas' Match

Now we all know how much stick the ladies of WWE get for their bell to bell work, but there were a couple of instances in the tag team match that would have had Good Ol' JR screaming "POETRY IN MOTION, POETRY IN MOTION, POETRY IN MOTION!" Go back and look at Naomi pulling Sasha off the apron just as she was about to receive the hottest of hot tags, as well as the agonising hot tag tag you can see above. They're both brilliant spots executed to perfection. The Divas match was a fantastic way to start the show, you know. Well done ladies.
Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.