44 WTF Moments From WWE TLC 2015

21. All The Table Botches

And here come the table botches. Strowman runs at Bubba with his boot, but Bubba moves out of the way, causing Strowman to put his foot through the table. Cue mass confusion as fans wonder why Strowman isn't eliminated, and Cole attempts to cover by saying that he has to actually go through the table. Um, remember that time when Big Show accidentally stepped onto a table and lost? Don't the same rules apply here? Things get even more hilarious moments later when Erick Rowan attempts to flip onto D-Von, who is lying on a table, but misses, and as D-Von rolls off the table, it breaks. Cole again has to paper over the cracks, saying that D-Von rolled off before it broke, which blatantly isn't true. What a mess of a match.

20. Rhyno Gets Eliminated Without Goring Anyone

Rhyno is unfortunately eliminated from the match when Luke Harper kicks him through a table, begging the question, why was he even in this match? Isn't the entire appeal of putting Rhyno in a tables match that he's going to gore someone through one? It seems like the most obvious thing ever from a booking perspective, but nope, he gets taken out of the match without getting to make any impact whatsoever. What a wasted opportunity.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.