44 WTF Moments From WWE TLC 2015

3. Sheamus Gets Superman Punched Through A Table

One of the more memorable spots in the main event came when Sheamus climbed the ladder looking to retain his title, when Roman quickly climbed the ladder alongside him, leapt into the air and Superman Punched Sheamus, sending him flying off the ladder and through a table below. It looked pretty awesome on TV and was one of the few times where the Superman Punch didn't seem totally silly.

2. Dean Ambrose Doesn't Help Roman

The match ended when Sheamus' League of Nations buddies Alberto Del Rio and Rusev came out to help, giving Reigns a severe beating. Sheamus went to grab the belt, but Roman came in for one last stand, yet due to the beating he'd just taken, another Brogue Kick from Sheamus completely devastated him, and as Sheamus effortlessly grabbed the belt, a dazed Reigns could only reach half-way up the ladder to try and stop him. What's most strange about this is that Dean Ambrose, Roman's buddy, didn't even try and help him out. You'd think considering their close bond and all, he'd come out to try and ensure they both won titles tonight. Maybe Ambrose left early or the celebrations got out of hand too fast, but either way, it sucks for Roman.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.