5 Best Finishers In WWE Today (And 5 Worst)

7. Worst - The Khallas

Orton RKO Rollins Survivor Series

Jinder Mahal has had his fair share of detractors since becoming WWE Champion. One thing that is undeniably working against 'The Modern Day Maharaja' is his anti climatic and clumsy looking finisher, the Khallas. Simply meaning 'the finish' in Hindi, the move is a modified Full Nelson Slam with Mahal following his opponent down to the mat.

With so many, larger competitors such as Bray Wyatt, Samoa Joe, and Baron Corbin all performing similar moves in the midst of their matches, the Khallas often comes across as an abrupt, ill fitting finish to any contest. When you combine that with audience's apathetic reaction to Mahal in general, you end up with a move that does nothing for a performer and a performer who can't do anything for the move.

For long periods of his WWE career Mahal used the the Camel Clutch as a finisher. The Clutch is an almost ingrained staple of foreign menace gimmicks in the WWE and whilst the Khallas does have a minor connection to the move due it's set up, it simply lacks the same menace and showmanship.

With Mahal's drastic muscular makeover, the Camel Clutch would arguably be far more fitting now then it ever was before. Unfortunately for Jinder, Rusev's Accolade has cornered the market and left him with something far more forgettable.

In this post: 
Randy Orton
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I, Tom the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia, command you! Norfolk based wrestling and movie fan with a tendency to love the ludicrous. You can follow me on twitter @marriott118 and tell me why I am wrong, wrong, WRONG!