5 Big Questions About Chris Jericho's NJPW Match With Kenny Omega

1. Will More WWE Stars Follow?

Jericho kenny

It seems these days that barely a week goes by without reports that a raft of WWE stars are set to follow the soon-to-be departed Neville out the exit door.

By and large, these seem to be based on little more than conjecture. If the likes of Dolph Ziggler, Shinsuke Nakamura, Sami Zayn, or any of Vince McMahon's purportedly under-used stars wanted to walk out, you fancy they would have done it by now.

The fact is that WWE still remains a pretty cushy gig for anyone looking to make a living jumping around the squared circle in a pair of spandex underpants.

But there has, at the very least, been a sea-change in recent years. Wrestlers no longer see WWE as the pinnacle of the industry, with the likes of Kenny Omega - Jericho's opponent at WK 12 - as well as Will Ospreay and The Young Bucks opting instead to earn their keep on the independent scene

Jericho going out to Japan - even if it is only for one night - could spark an idea in the mind of every wrestler sitting complacently on their WWE salary, leading to more of them taking the less traveled if perhaps more exciting path.
