My 5 Crazy Experiences That No Other Wrestling Fan Has Had

That title sounds just a little arrogant, doesn't it? But I didn't know how else to put it across whilst still grabbing those crucial page views - after all, I like to make that money, money, yeah, yeah (it's Cryme Tyme, don't you know?) You'll look at this list and, certainly if you're a wrestling fan, you'll be able to say that you've done some of these things €“ or, at the very least, you've experienced something similar. What I'm trying to say is that, collectively, there is no way that anybody anywhere has had the five exact same experiences that I have. But if, by some crazy, random happenstance, you have €“ man, I feel your pain. This is my first article submission ever and the whole point of this is to help you guys get to know a little about me and my writing style by sharing some of my memories, and maybe jogging some of yours along the way. I'm certainly not saying that these are life changing experiences, but they are certainly reflective of the crazy world of pr wrestling, because this definitely wouldn't happen in the world of football (soccer to anyone outside of Europe), American football or any other sport. Most importantly, I hope that it puts a smile on your face (or, failing that, leaves you shaking your head in despair and pity). So, read on if you dare.
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Ash hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.