My 5 Crazy Experiences That No Other Wrestling Fan Has Had

2. The Time When My Friend Challenged Wrestlers To Fight His Brother!

Big All Time American Wrestling2 This is a short one. Another time, the BIG TIME American Wrestling was featuring a double shot in my town €“ an afternoon and an evening show. I had tickets for both events and was attending the show with some of my family and friends. Between the shows, we went into the pub a few doors down from the venue, called The Cock A Snook, and we were all sat talking about the matches we had seen on the first show, when a group of the wrestlers from the show walked past. Aside from Al 'The Dog' Greene, I had no idea who most of the guys were, but I remember jumping up excitedly and declaring to everyone in the room that they were wrestlers. My dad's friend took this opportunity to go out and meet with them. He isn't a wrestling fan, but saw an opportunity to put a smile on my face. He had a quick chat, shook hands with them all and invited them to join us for a drink, on him. Incredibly, the guys turned down a free drink. The conversation turned to the idea of at least coming in and saying hello to everyone, but they declined. I should probably mention at this point that they were all heels and that kayfabe was alive and well in Reading on that day. At this point, the wrestlers turned away and carried on with their day. This prompted my dad's friend to begin shouting at them, demanding they come back, before challenging them to fight his brother. Yeah, his brother. At which point, his brother stepped out of the pub and dragged him back inside. I wish I was making this stuff up.
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Ash hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.