5 Culprits Who Could Be WWE SmackDown's Truth-Telling Glitch Hacker

2. Jeff Hardy

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Hardy has two options ahead of him as a WWE stalwart.

One would be returning as the 'Charismatic Enigma' and continuing his big-bumping style until his body breaks down for good. There's juice in that idea, and it would lead to some popular, star-making feuds against others on the SmackDown roster. The second idea is a bit more out-there.

Should Jeff return as this glitch-causing hacker, he'd turn some heads and get the internet talking the same way his brother Matt has over the past five-six years. This could, all going well, be Jeff's 'Broken' game-changer, and it could show that his creativity doesn't stop at face paints or frightening spots. He maybe needs a little spark and purpose to his promos.

Quirkiness is something Jeff knows well too. If this character was pencilled in for Matt before he left WWE, then the company can easily pivot to Jeff and see how he works out in the role. It's something a little different, if nothing else.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.