5 Fictional Wrestling Locations We’d Love To Visit (And 5 We’d Prefer To Avoid)

2. Avoid: The Wasteland (The Ascension)

Parts Unknown WWE

The Wasteland is home to Konnor and Viktor who combine to form the tag team known as The Ascension. After the segments with Breezango in 2017, their mere presence might be enough to dissuade many from traveling to this less than exotic destination.

Those who are still interested in visiting the area that produced the longest-reigning NXT tag champs should expect a sort of cliche post-apocalyptic backdrop.

Between dozens of films like the Mad Max and seemingly endless supply of post-nuclear video games, it already feels like we've explored The Wasteland thoroughly. Moreover, it doesn't seem like a very pleasant place.

If scavenging for food and fending off countless bands of bloodthirsty raiders sounds like fun, then The Wasteland is an ideal vacation spot. Otherwise, it's probably best to stay away.


From 1999-2003 Jacques performed on the Florida independent pro wrestling circuit. He also has an amateur wrestling background and currently holds a certification in Krav Maga. Jacques graduated from the University of Central Florida in 2003, with a bachelor's degree in Political Science. He currently resides in Chicago, Illinois. Follow him on twitter @goodeals79.