The CM Punk show has, at least temporarily, taken the spotlight off of another pro wrestling superstar who could possibly make his way (back) to the world of MMA in 2015. Yes, we're talking about Brock Lesnar, and if we're being completely honest, no one outside his closest associates really knows which way he's leaning. That said, he has a hell of a lot of leverage at this point. As Good Ol' J.R. suggested, with the signing of CM Punk by the UFC, that's one less star for the WWE (if there was ever a hope he would go back, it's gone now), more press for the UFC, and more money - for Punk, the UFC, and possibly Lesnar. Lesnar's part-time schedule in the WWE, where he is currently champion, is a sticking point for fans, a thorn in the side for the company, but a sweetheart deal for Brock himself, who has always disliked the heavy pro wrestling schedule. There has been talk that the WWE isn't interested in signing a deal as lucrative as the one he first signed upon his return, and talk that he will walk after Wrestlemania... but to where? While the UFC is the obvious choice, their closest competition, Bellator MMA, now run by Scott Coker, have openly stated they'd be interested. In fact, reports have Bellator rumoured to be interested in several former pro wrestlers to boost Bellator's ranks and draw eyeballs; Alberto Del Rio was mentioned as one candidate, as he has an existing MMA background. The crown jewel is, of course, Lesnar. He may go back to the familiar pastures of the UFC, which has the best crop of heavyweights out there, but Scott Coker is known for handing out big money contracts, and if Viacom, who own Bellator, decide to open the purse strings, they actually can outbid the UFC. Now, all this is conjecture, but there's a chance he could go there for the right price. If they're willing to pay it well - lets look at five possible fights for Brock Lesnar in Bellator MMA.
Primarily covering the sport of MMA from Ontario, Canada, Jay Anderson has been writing for various publications covering sports, technology, and pop culture since 2001. Jay holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Guelph, and a Certificate in Leadership Skills from Humber College.