5 Game Changing WWE Moments That Just Lead To Business As Usual

1. Vince McMahon Buys Everything Under The Wrestling Sun

The Moment: There will never be bigger news in wrestling history. Nobody could believe it when they heard it. Once they came to terms that yes, in fact, the single biggest event in wrestling history had just happened, fan's minds collectively exploded with all the possibilities this brought. In the year 2001, Vince McMahon purchased World Championship Wrestling. This was like the Yankees buying the Red Sox, or vice versa. The floodgates were open. All our dreams were about to come true. On top of that, around the same time Vince also bought ECW, the 3rd biggest promotion in the US. There was literally NO dream match that wasn't possible. We were about to have it all. Sure, Vince had screwed up sure-fire things in the past, but this was fool proof. This was going to give us story-lines & dream matches for years, while making Vince even wealthier than he already was. Hell, you could take someone who had zero knowledge of wrestling, give them a quick 5 minute tutorial, and they could book 2 years worth of shows with what was available. It was that easy. However, in Vince McMahon's monopoly, nobody passes go, nobody collects $200. The Aftermath:
The first hint that things were not going to be easy, was the fact that Vince brought in none of the big names. Sting, Ric Flair, Goldberg, Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Lex Luger, Scott Steiner, or the Macho Man were picked up. So, now we had such incredible match possibilities as The Cat vs The Undertaker! Stone Cold Steve Austin vs General Hugh G. Rection! The Rock vs Kanyon! Now, there were some great B-Level talent, such as Mike Awesome & Lance Storm, who could have helped in creating some fantastic matches. However, WCW, as it always is when compared to just about anything, was made to look inferior from the get go. You see, Vince McMahon isn't a pro-wrestling fan. Whatsoever. So, he has no interest in creating fantastic dream matches, but more so making WCW look like a 3rd rate business compared to the WWE. Now, because of this, and the fact Vince didn't hire any top level talent, he instead drafted WWE superstars over to WCW's team. Stone Cold Steve Austin & Kurt Angle were now suppose to be part of what was christened The Invasion. On top of that, guys who had been part of the WWE for years, such as The Dudleyz, and RVD, were considered €œtraitors€, and thus part of the Invasion. So, when we got the big blow off match, which was Team WWE vs Team Invasion, it was in reality, Team WWE vs Team WWE. What should have literally taken the WWE to ridiculous heights, and guaranteed years and years worth of story lines & matches, was over in 6 months. Then, to truly make things more laughable, Vince went and spent a lot more money over the years to bring in those initial WCW stars he felt they could do without. Everyone from Ric Flair, to Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, and Goldberg were brought in at different times, and with the exception of a few, all completely crashed & burned. It will go down in history as the biggest botch in pro-wrestling history. An absolutely laughable event that should be mentioned any time Vince McMahon is called a genius.
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Caliber Winfield is more legend. Despite making up every rumor himself, they're all true. He's so manly he has to shave his eyeballs, and he was mistaken for The Rock as well as Ryan Gosling in the same day, both men said it was the greatest day of their life when they heard the news.