5 Most Insane Things Happening In Wrestling Right Now (March 9)
4. Callihan Corny Carnage
Earlier this year, Sami Callihan nearly blinded Eddie Edwards after failing, dismally, to perform a spot that should not have been performed in the first place. He draped a chair over Edwards, presumably to protect him while also creating an audible impact, before striking it with a baseball bat. The problem is that he only glanced the chair, and instead struck Eddie full-force in the face.
Callihan adopted the douchebag defence in response to Jim Cornette's belated criticism - Impact only recently decided to go all in on the controversy - by bragging about his bank account balance. This was both stupid - Impact Wrestling pays relatively little, and rarely on time - and plain cruel. The bank balance of Eddie Edwards isn't "going up". He hasn't worked since. It wasn't deliberate - but Impact is now deliberately marketing it as an angle, thereby sewing up the Most Disgusting Promotional Tactic gong in the process.
Perhaps that is the point. Callihan is either playing up his credentials as a piece of sh*t, thus living the gimmick, or has been instructed to play up his credentials as a piece of sh*t by Impact. It's rancid stuff from the company which, regardless of name or management, is cursed as a low-rent sh*t-show. This is the most buzz they've generated in an age, of the worst kind, and they do so with no shame whatsoever. A disastrous moment promoted by a disastrous company, this is a terrible - but fitting - advertisement for Impact Wrestling. Since Sami as Solomon Crowe possessed the worst finisher in history, this terrible attempt at working may not be an aberration - but his clever attempt at getting over may not turn out to be so clever.
IRL sh*thousery doesn't get you booked much in 2018.