5 Possible First Feuds For WWE Champion Kofi Kingston

2. AJ Styles

Kofi Kingston AJ Styles

Either as a babyface or as a heel, AJ Styles has been the top superstar on SmackDown ever since the most recent WWE brand extension in 2016. Heck, SmackDown is the house that AJ Styles built, after all.

With that being said, and with a W over Randy Orton at WrestleMania under his belt, there is a strong chance 'The Phenomenal One' will soon be challenging for the WWE Championship once again.

Kofi Kingston and AJ Styles had a couple of fun TV matches a number of years ago (the Y2AJ days), and it would be great to see them take it to a completely different level as they could have a good storyline over the World Championship for a number of months. Just imagine Kofi reversing a Phenomenal Forearm with the Trouble in Paradise, or Styles turning the Trouble in Paradise into a Styles Clash in mid-air!

That is, of course, unless AJ Styles goes to RAW in the Superstar Shake-Up. Well, in that case...


Huge wrestling fan. From Portugal