5 Pros And 4 Cons Of Bullet Club Elite Going To WWE
1. In Summary: Should They Go?

Please understand, the fact that I listed 5 pros and 4 cons doesn't mean I think Bullet Club should absolutely sign with WWE in January. Ultimately, you can't determine what any one person is thinking, let alone five people who have made a verbal pact and have likely been contemplating this decision for months.
Ultimately, the decision we support is the decision that is best for the men in Bullet Club Elite.
If Cody, The Bucks, Hangman, and Omega go to WWE, we really can't begrudge them for that. This business has always been a sea of young, hungry talent soaked up by the big companies. Thus, there will always be younger, hungrier talent to take their place, meaning wrestling the influence BCE have left on non-WWE wrestling will never be in vain.
If, however, the BCE feel their fate is best left out of Vince McMahon's hands, it will be a huge blow to the narrative that WWE eventually signs everyone. It will be a huge encouragement to the indie talent that isn't sure they would make it in Vince's world as their own person. The BCE would be proof to that aspiring talent that they can get over on their own and conquer any indie territory they lay their eyes on. Just as it was in the days of Cody's father.
Do you think Bullet Club Elite should sign with WWE? Should they stay as far away from Vince as possible? Let us know in the comments!