5 Rare Before-They-Were Famous Wrestling TV Appearances

3. Justin Roberts On Jerry Springer

A lot of WWE fans were sad to hear that Justin Roberts had been released from his contract in October. Having been with the promotion since 2002, Roberts had grown into the role of pretty much being the main ring announcer on WWE programming, and given that he was a self-admitted lifelong fan of the industry, it was pretty cool to see him live out his dream of announcing both The Undertaker and Edge to the ring for their World Heavyweight Title bout at WrestleMania XXIV. Never looking anything other than thrilled to be part of the WWE machine, Roberts has been pretty chilled out during interviews since leaving the company, although he has taken them to task for the whole 'Warrior Award' deal involving young Connor Michalek. Unhappy that the promotion had - in his mind - milked the sentimental value of Connor's story for their own gain, it seems the ring announcer and WWE are now on frostier terms than they were when he left. Long before he was involved in the upper echelons of the wrestling industry, Justin Roberts was someone trying to make a name for himself in the acting world, and that's exactly why he appeared on an episode of The Jerry Springer Show in the 90's. According to the man himself, the entire thing was pretty much scripted, which shouldn't really come as much of a surprise to anyone who follows "reality TV". https://vine.co/v/OzF76mvMgP9 Playing the tasteful role of a boyfriend who finds out that his girl is sleeping with her sister, Roberts had to act disgusted by the entire situation, as the baying crowd simultaneously sympathised with his plight and also lapped up the phony "real life" ordeal. Filling the role of the victim, Justin was scripted to walk off-set and act upset and grossed out by seeing his 'girlfriend' kiss her 'sister'. Whilst he noted the experience as being pretty fun, Roberts has also said he only really did it for the money, because the show was using a lot of independent wrestling talent. At the time, the man was ring announcing for local indie promotions, and that's how he got the gig. Via his Instagram page, the ring announcer has poked fun at his own performance on the show numerous times!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.