5 Reasons CM Punk Was WORTH The Trouble To AEW (... & 5 He Wasn't)

6. Was: Those Pops

AEW All In CM Punk

Go back and watch that comeback pop at Rampage again. No doubt you’ve seen it countless times by now, but just watch it again. The seismic quality of that crowd reaction, coupled with some all-time best AEW camerawork panning round to take it all in, is the stuff dreams are made of for any performer. Without putting on his gear, opening his mouth, or even stepping between the ropes, CM Punk was a god in that moment.

Plenty of wrestlers past and present garner huge ovations, but Punk’s fan response, at its best, is just different. At Money In The Bank 2011, the fans didn’t shut up for the whole show. He was all they wanted to see. That Rampage reaction was bigger still. Nothing can compare to Punk in Chicago - he’s one of their own, the man and the wrestler.

Admittedly, crowds outside of Illinois started to sour on CM Punk since his suspension, but even up to his firing he was receiving massive responses from the fans who hated him - not quite go-away heat, not quite regular heel heat, something altogether new.

If you’re able to guarantee reactions like he does in this business, you should be able to write your own contracts. If only it wasn’t for all the other stuff that comes with it…


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)