5 Reasons CM Punk Was WORTH The Trouble To AEW (... & 5 He Wasn't)

4. Was: The Matches And The Stories

AEW All In CM Punk

Amidst all the gossip and nonsense, it’s easy to forget that CM Punk took part in some company-best stories and angles during his two year stint, and it would be remiss not to recap a few of those.

Firstly, though it ended in injury and backstage biting, Punk vs Jon Moxley at All Out 2022 was a banger, dodgy build and title hot potatoing notwithstanding. This match goes particularly unsung because of all the real life nonsense, but this felt like real catharsis for two men who went (to varying degrees) underutilised in WWE.

The Eddie Kingston feud was all too brief, taking in some spectacular promos, one of the best short matches in company history, and real generosity on the part of Punk, who was all too willing to heel it up to give the real underground hero a chance at the spotlight. It’s a moot point now, but Kingston snatching Punk’s Real World’s Championship would have been fantastic.

Finally, the lore-drenched, bloody and emotional war with MJF. The dog collar match was Punk’s crowning in-ring moment for AEW, and the build was one of the best the company has ever pulled off. Fan service, violence, logical, character-driven story telling - it had the lot.

At his best - in the latter example especially - CM Punk used his star power to elevate younger talent, and his undeniable wrestling talent to add a few more classics to his resume.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)