2. Creative Control

Any high-profile superstar earns the right to partly steer their career after working their way up the bureaucratic ladder. But only after there has been a fair amount of reciprocity, giving back to those following behind. Its one thing being the face of a company, but another to leverage personal interests jeopardizing anothers ascension. Creative control is as much a privilege as it is a curse. Hogan has an extensive history refusing to relinquish creative control or do favors for fellow talent. Just ask Eric Bischoff and Ted Turner, whove cited letting the inmates run the asylum as the precursory downfall of WCW (obviously along with poor financial management and the AOL-Time Warner merger debacle). But Hogan had long before upset Vince McMahon. In his 1993 return alone, Hulk refused dropping the strap to Bret Hart because of the Hitmans undersized stature. Instead, Hulk agreed to put over Yokozuna, where even then Hogan didnt lose clean but by a fireball shot from a ringside Japanese photographer. While Hogan recently tried to aid the distant second TNA/Impact Wrestling, his old habits failed to build new stars. Hogans lingering injuries and Dixie Carters limited budget ultimately led to his exit. Cena, however, has surprisingly grown into a generous elder statesman. While we can ridicule Super Cena for his absurd comebacks and often bouncing back with a single AA, hes matured into a quality standard insuring the next generation of superstars can stand the heat. Cenas recent matches with NXT graduates like Kevin Owens or willing contenders to his weekly US Title Open Challenge have elevated countless superstars. Safe to say, Cenas single-handedly reestablished the US Title with prestige and reinvigorated an aimless mid-card now seeing a resurgencepartly in thanks to WWEs new Performance Center and developmental system. Contrary to Hogan, who rarely entertained (or at least, eventually undermined) giving rising superstars a platform to shine, Cena strives to strengthen and secure his WWE brethrens future, no matter their position on the card. Yes, Cena certainly makes much more bank than his cohorts, but as a living commodity he shares the wealth built in his name.