5 Reasons Why Jim Cornette Is The Biggest Heel In Wrestling Right Now

4. He Attacks Other Heels

Part of the problem with the modern heel/face dynamic, especially in WWE, is that all the faces get along, which is fine, since they’re good guys, but all the heels (usually) get along with each other, even when it doesn’t make sense. Heels should, by their nature, be contemptible people who don’t get along with anyone, even other baddies.

As evidenced by his public feuds with bumheads such as Vince Russo, Mark Madden, and the president of the United States, Cornette adds realism to his heel gimmick by going on extended tirades against those who are reviled by the public at large as well as those who are beloved. He is truly someone who does not care who he ticks off, and for that, he fits the mold of his wrestling heroes such as Jerry Lawler and Terry Funk.

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Jim Cornette
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