5 Reasons Why Seth Rollins Just Got Voted PWI's Top Wrestler Of 2015

5. Didn't Look Out Of Place During Triple Threat Match Against Lesnar & Cena

Brock Lesnar and John Cena have been established stars in WWE for over a decade. At the Royal Rumble Pay-Per-View in January, 2015, Seth Rollins was tasked with being sandwiched in between both monstrous names. Then the holder of the 'Money In The Bank' briefcase, it still would have been easy for Rollins to become overshadowed by his more illustrious opponents. As anyone watching will attest, that didn't happen. In fact, Rollins looked every bit as essential to the success of the match as Cena and Lesnar. There's an argument to be made that WWE officials were so impressed with his performance that the bout played a big part in what was to come at WrestleMania. Had Seth tanked or looked average during the Triple Threat encounter, it seems unlikely he would have been given the WWE Title at 'Mania. Thankfully, his incredible talent meant there were no fears about a shoddy performance. Working well with both his rivals, Rollins came out of the match a bigger star than he went in. That should always be the goal in WWE main event matches, regardless of eventual result. Even though Rollins was the one pinned by then-champ Lesnar, he didn't look out of place in the contest.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.