5 Things AEW Does Better Than NXT (And 5 NXT Does Better Than AEW)
2. Production
Another easy win for NXT here as while AEW has largely cleaned up the messy production issues that blighted Dynamite's early days, the product is nowhere near as slick and clean as their Wednesday night rivals.
The first months of Dynamite (and pay-per-views like Fight for the Fallen) were riddled with technical problems encompassing poor audio mixing, awkward cuts, announcers dropping off-the-cuff lines during commercials (not realising their microphones were still on), cameras missing key moments of action, and more. These are largely gone now, though the way AEW is shot and presented may never match NXT's sheen and polish.
Such incidents like those listed above would never go down in an operation as regimented as WWE's. You might get the occasion production hiccup, but they are few, far between, and rarely as jarring. Such is the way of things with their colossal budget and decades of experience creating wrestling shows.