5 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (Feb 4)

3. Adam Cole’s Promo

Adam Cole

Insert obligatory opening follow-up whinge about that Evil Uno squash here.

Right, time to move on. Adam Cole's post-match promo was as solid as you'll see. He listed all of the men he's beaten since becoming All Elite, then fired out notice to Hangman Page that he's coming for the AEW World Title at some point in the near future. That sounds tasty.

Perhaps the best thing about Cole's promo is that he stood on his own merits and didn't bring pals like The Young Bucks into the equation. They'd started to dominate his AEW run, and there was even a chance that Cole's relationship with Britt Baker would come to define his 2022 too.

Nah, the former NXT favourite is keen to put his name in the frame for this promotion's top prize. That sounds f*cking great to this fan, and so does Hangman vs. Cole generally. There was an intensity to Adam's promo without losing sight of the message it was supposed to send.

Really welcome mic work here.

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AEW Rampage
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