5 Ups & 4 Downs For AEW Collision (May 25 - Results & Review)

4. Lucha Bros. Jrs!

AEW Collision Lucha Bros.

A quick Up here for the awesome sight of Penta El Zero and Rey Fenix's sons accompanying their fathers to the ring. Pro wrestling can be a truly heartwarming place, and this was certainly something that likely raised a smile from even the coldest of hearts.

Also, it was just great to see the Lucha Bros. back in action, with the tandem having not teamed since October due to Fenix's injury problems. One of the very best tag teams in the world, Penta and Fenix brought plenty of their usual athleticism and charisma to the table here against Austin and Colten Gunn in a table-setter for Double or Nothing where the reunited Death Triangle of the Lucha Bros. and PAC challenge the Gunns and Jay White for the Unified Trios Championship.

As a reintroduction to the Lucha Bros., this was great, doing enough to impress as a match on its own merits without overstaying its welcome and giving too much away before Double or Nothing. In terms of the finish, a spike Fear Factor on Austin was an emphatic way for Penta to score the win as Fenix then dived to the outside to take out Colten.

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Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.