5 Ups & 4 Downs For AEW Collision (May 25 - Results & Review)

2. Willow Spits Fire

AEW Collision Willow Nightingale

If you don't get a kick out of Willow Nightingale, chances are you're already dead inside.

While Willow makes for a phenomenal, sincere, fun babyface who delivers the goods between the ropes, recent weeks have seen the TBS Champion get the opportunity to showcase her promo skills - and with each passing promo, Nightingale gets better and better.

This week's Collision was no different, with the New Yorker delivering arguably her best promo so far, managing to still be that fun-loving Willow we all know and love, but brilliantly throwing in a more serious side once again.

Nightingale made it clear that, while she has immense respect for what Mercedes Moné has achieved in her career, Willow won't be giving up that TBS Title without a hell of a fight. And much like Mercedes has had her own injury issues, Nightingale referenced how she herself nearly ended up paralysed five years ago due to a broken neck.

The dialogue here was perfect for what it needed to, and the fired-up delivery from Willow Nightingale was likewise pitch-perfect in hammering home that Nightingale isn't just a happy-go-lucky sort who Mercedes can walk through.

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Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.