5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE NXT (Aug 12)

1. A Wasted Comeback

Velveteen Dream

Problems arise when major stars are brought back for mystery surprise moments that outright fail to be major. That was the case with Velveteen Dream on this week's NXT. The lustre he once exuded with stunning ease gave way to an awkward sense that Dream has gone.

He returned to play prop in the main event, and the match never really got going before Cameron Grimes bagged a win that takes him to TakeOver XXX. Then, Dream appeared to move further towards a heel run by attacking Kushida and generally acting like a spoiled brat who runs this here show.

It might've been better had WWE kept their Velveteen prince (ahem) on the shelf for now until they had a better reason to bring him back.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.