5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (April 8)
5. Better Than Expected
Hands up who else thought an inevitable split angle between Happy Corbin and Madcap Moss would suck balls. If you're anything like this writer, then you haven't really enjoyed their union one bit, but something remarkable happened in Milwaukee on Friday night.
Fans actually responded well to Madcap.
They greeted him warmly as the babyface of the piece, and cheered when he roared back against Corbin's ambush to send Mr. Happy tumbling from the ring. Seeing Moss destroy the 'Happy Lounge' talk show set also gives hope that WWE will move away from that idea.
Honestly, it's been easy to hate everything these 'Happy Folks' have done together, but their work here was solid. It's amazing what a live crowd can do to enhance segments like this too. Those folks in Wisconsin seemed to take a shine to Madcap.