5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Aug 12)

3. Where Can They Go With This?

Max Dupri Angel

Los Lotharios are heels, and so are Maximum Male Models.

Spotted the problem? There isn't a lot of juice in booking Angel and Humberto vs. Mace and Mansoor on cards going forwards for multiple reasons; one, nobody really cares if they join the faction. Two, those bouts could play before brutal fan silence as everyone sits on their hands wondering who to root for.

OK, perhaps it's too early to pass proper judgement on this story, but the early signs aren't too great. WWE tends to go down the comedy route with these things for the sake of it, and that means peeps could be "treated" to endless backstage promos that really go nowhere.

Again, Lotharios vs. MMM isn't the kind of feud this tag division wants right now. Why not program one of them opposite Hit Row, or something like that? Surely babyface vs. heel is better than heel vs. heel, especially when neither side is particularly over/established.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.