5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (July 30)
5. Sasha’s Viciousness

There was, however, an upside.
Bianca's infuriating stupidity aside, the closing beatdown from Sasha was wonderfully produced. Even Kevin Dunn's shaky camera techniques worked when Banks was raining down punches on a helpless Belair. That, ladies and gents, is borderline miracle stuff, and it shows the strength of Sasha as a villain.
She's at her best when she's a cold-hearted bitch who refuses to share the spotlight with anybody else. Plus, the way Banks yelled, "You think I'd forget?!" at the live crowd was a real highlight of the entire broadcast, and it linked neatly back to this pair's prior issues without overdoing it.
Banks couldn't realistically come back as a smiling buddy to Belair after losing in the main event of 'Mania. That'd go against everything she stands for as a character, and it'd be pointless anyway. Bianca needed a foe for SummerSlam, and now she has one.
Job done.