5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Nov 3 - Results & Review)


4. This Didn’t Really Work

Rey Mysterio Logan Paul Nick Aldis

Everyone got the concept of WWE trying to make this weigh-in feel like a precursor to one of Logan Paul's boxing fights, but it didn't really work. There are better ways to put across LP's arrogance and size advantage than this, and that's a pretty boring way to take things anyway at this stage in Rey Mysterio's career.

He's always the smaller man in his matches anyway. That's no secret.

Honestly, it was almost laughable that someone as smart as Paul would go down the 'you so tiny' route with Rey. The pair's pull apart brawl came across as just a little bit too tame to fan flames heading into Crown Jewel as well. Fair play for trying, but nah - this didn't cut it.

Pro wrestling tries this sort of thing every so often, and it's a hard sell. Generally, fans don't care as much about real-world sports stuff as WWE thinks they do. People want stories and action, not the "revelation" that Logan Paul weighs more than Mysterio.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.