5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Nov 3 - Results & Review)

4. Fun Little Brawl

Pretty Deadly Ridge Holland

Pretty Deadly vs. Brawling Brutes didn't reinvent the wheel, or anything, but it was a tidy entry into the 'goofy WWE brawl' archives. Besides, Kit Wilson and Elton Prince are gold as a comedy unit, and they're both capable of being aggressive when necessary. That came across loud and clear vs. Ridge Holland and Butch.

It does look like we're closer to the end of the road for those lads as a tag-team than ever before. Few will be steaming mad at that though - Pete Dunne deserves a bit better than he's been getting, because he's an excellent worker and could do something special if he was given more ring time.

Fingers crossed the writers have something meaningful in mind for PD too. They're showing plenty of promise, and it'd be a pity if they faded away rather than leaping into the conversation for tag gold again. Of course, that can't happen until Judgment Day loses the belts, but a fella can hope!

Good, clean and mindless fun.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.