5 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Oct 7)

1. Yawn

Shotzi Raquel Rodriguez

Meanwhile, the women's tag scene is f*cking garbage.

Teams are thrown together at random, and then they're handed insultingly short matches into the bargain. For the latest example, cast a glance towards this week's SmackDown to see Sonya Deville and Xia Li buddy up to take on Shotzi and Raquel Rodriguez. Yawn, yawn, yawn.

The way WWE books this division is so lazy, man. Questions must be asked about why the writers find it so hard to draft up a story arc that explains why certain things happen; Why did Shotzi turn babyface? Why is she teaming with Raquel? What in the name of heck is the point of Sonya and Xia teaming up here or there?

None of those questions will be answered. Instead, WWE will continue throwing these segments onto TV without any rhyme or reason. That, ladies and gents, is why most are apathetic towards those Women's Tag belts. If the creative team don't care, why should you?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.