5 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Feb 10)
4. Still Need More

Word to the writers: Lacey Evans squashing the sh*t out of local workers might mean more if you'd actually add some more context beyond, 'She has a military background and bad attitude'. That's so paper-thin, and it stands out when others (Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, The Usos etc are so multi-layered).
This character needs some fleshing out, and fast, otherwise everyone (including the folks penning her material) will lose interest. Wrestling fans have witnessed this sort of thing a million times; wrestlers get vignettes and some squash match wins, then no-one knows quite where to take things next and they fade away.
Lacey is next in line for that, but it's avoidable. She, like Baron Corbin, has numbed the audience by sprinting through far too many soft repackage jobs. Hit the brakes, develop what's happening in the here and now, and actually try to make something of this current guise.
Pretty please?