5 Ups & 6 Downs From AEW Dynamite (25 Aug)
3. Orange Pulp

Orange Cassidy vs. Matt Hardy opened the show on a less-than-thrilling note with a singles match that took too long to get going, then never looked like breaking out of second gear, even towards the closing stretch.
This was peppered with fun spots, like Hardy mocking the hands-in-pockets gimmick, pulling out wads of cash, throwing them in the air when he was struck, then reclaiming them from Orange when back on top. The heat sequence failed, though. Hardy's work on top wasn't nasty or impactful enough to generate sympathy and energy for the Cassidy comeback, dragging on for significantly longer than it needed to before OC worked back into it.
Cassidy ended up pinning Matt by stuffing his hands in his pocket to trap the legs on a roll-up. That's creative and logical, preventing Hardy from kicking out, but the match was slow.