5 Ups & 6 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (May 10)
6. ‘Stinky, Rotten Tomatoes’

This has gotta be a rib by now, right?
Jaxson Ryker was carrying a basket of big, beautiful, fresh tomatoes backstage on Monday as he and Elias plotted their revenge on New Day for pelting them with “rotten” tomatoes. Of course, the reality is that the tomatoes were the perfect salad ingredient, fresh, colorful and probably delicious – certainly not the putrid fruit WWE insists they are.
So for the third week, wrestlers were forced to pretend that perfect tomatoes were rotten, as if everyone doesn’t have HD TVs and can clearly see how appealing they are. Even AJ Styles tried to push past the stupidity of having a feud based on tomatoes, noting that Elias and Ryker needed to take their 8-man tag match more seriously.
We can excuse the first week with perfect tomatoes, because the idea was likely hatched an hour before showtime. But you had to know we were going to beat this “joke” into the ground, so they should just have some old, soft tomatoes on hand. But for the third straight week, we got what looked like the grocery store’s finest.
Sometimes, the little things make you just want to scream.