5 Ups And 2 Downs For WWE NXT (Jun 1)

4. Newcomer Hayes Answers KUSHIDA's Open Challenge

Camelo Hayes

The latest edition of NXT Cruiserweight Champion KUSHIDA's open challenge saw the champ going one-on-one with another NXT newcomer - Carmelo Hayes.

On the back of a quick promo video highlighting how Hayes felt he was the future of the brand, the two went straight at it from the off. Far from being overwhelmed by the CWC stage, though, Hayes very nearly ended the night early for KUSHIDA, attempting a roll-up and blasting the former Time Splitter with a number of sweet drop kicks.

An enjoyable and surprisingly competitive contest ensued, resulting in KUSHIDA having to dig down deep to overcome a new face as fond of springboarding into vicious offence as he was. In the end, the champ simply had too much for the plucky challenger, picking Hayes out of mid-air with an open palm strike before nailing him with a kick and cinching in the hoverboard lock for the tap out victory.

In the words of the current Cruiserweight king, "It doesn't matter if it's a debut wrestler, a retired wrestler, or anyone else's challenge. Please contact NXT". If it means we get more of this kind of action, long may KUSHIDA reign.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...