5 Ups And 2 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (28 Oct)


2. Goodnight, Sweet Prince Pretty

Farewell, Tyler, we barely knew ye. With the King of Cuteville (do villages have Kings?) having recently made his main roster debut, it's likely that Tyler Breeze has wrestled his last match in NXT, (he's not listed for future tapings) doing the honours for Samoa Joe on his way out. It was a solid main event match with the fans solidly behind Breeze despite his heel status, a strong indication of the respect that's he earned during his three years with the developmental brand. Normally, this wouldn't be in the Down section of the list, and we'd all be wishing Tyler the best with his main roster run, but it's genuinely hard to not see this a portent of doom for Prince Pretty. His vanity-based gimmick is, on face value, ultra-cheesy and well-trodden ground; after all, Narcissus Lex Luger, Rick Rude, Gorgeous George, Dashing Cody Rhodes and 'The Model' Rick Martel are all memorable examples of 'look at me' gimmicks. Will casual fans accept another one? Considering how poorly some of NXT's more colourful and cartoony acts have fared on the main roster - Adam Rose, Fandango, Emma, a laundry list of wasted potential - it's makes a fan want to tie an anchor around Breeze's ankle. After all, he's off to a bad start. He debuted ... on Smackdown. We can only hope that with the increasingly prestige that being an NXT-alumnus carries, Tyler will find more success on the main roster than stars like Fandango, but it's impossible to not fear the worst.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.