5 Ups And 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE UK Show

4. Up: Commissioner Regal

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Apart from those (better forgotten) few months he spent coddling Eugene in 2004, William Regal has gone almost the entirety of his WWE career a haughty, tea-drinking heel. Less a sage authority figure, and more a bumbling supply teacher, struggling to command the respect of his raucous student body.

Since turning face (and, in the UK, Regal is more popular than the Queen sipping a mug of milky tea in one of those red phone-boxes WWE insist are ubiquitous on British shores) the Blackpool-born technician has really come into his own.

His earnest determination to not let Pete Dunne harm the integrity of his passion project is almost heartfelt, and the resulting scenes - which resemble a changed-his-ways father trying to counsel his wayward son - make for compelling TV of the type wrestling fans crave.
