5 Ups And 5 Downs From NXT 400
2. Drew McIntyre's Rehabilitation
McIntyre's journey to his current position at NXT has been a curious and roundabout one. From massively pushed 'Chosen One' to midcard also-ran to comedy jobber followed by exile, he brings a lot of baggage to NXT.
His treatment so far suggests he is being positioned to challenger for the NXT title, but whether he can be elevated to make that a credible threat is still uncertain.
NXT's McIntyre is a generic tough-talking bass-voiced sort-of face without much going for him save for a size and a look. He doesn't have a hook yet, a spark to either make him seem a legitimate contender rather than another speed bump for champion Bobby Roode, or a distinctive character element that makes him stand out from all the other guys with black trunks and ratty hair.
NXT have done more with a less in the past, but they have to prove they can do it again to rehabilitate a guy who used to be in 3MB to one who can get eyes onto the NXT title.