5 Ups And 8 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (March 20)
2. Strowman The Biggest Winner?
An easy argument can be made that WWE is shunting one of its most improved performers with WrestleMania less than two weeks away, but the exact opposite argument also could be made.
Braun Strowman has been feuding with Roman Reigns throughout 2017, but Reigns already has a dance partner for Mania in the Undertaker. So despite inconclusive confrontations recently, Strowman won’t get his hands on Roman until after Mania. In that sense, he would be a loser, most likely destined to compete in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.
However, imagine if he was paired up with Reigns, or Undertaker, or put into a triple threat with the two. Those are the only other logical spots for Braun, and none of those options look good, so for that reason, perhaps it’s best that Strowman doesn’t have a significant role to play at what is shaping up to be a subpar WrestleMania.
That’s only an alternative theory, but in terms of it being an “up,” at least Braun didn’t lose Monday night and still looks relatively strong overall rather than being sacrificed to Reigns on his path to Mania.