5 Ups And 9 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (Nov 26)
Raw starts strong, fades fast, then swirls the drain. Uggh.

No lie: When Raw began Monday night, it looked like we could be in store for a really good episode.
The show opened with a strong angle/match that put over a new top babyface in Elias, while strongly establishing the heel triumvirate of Baron Corbin, Bobby Lashley and Drew McIntyre. It seemed as if we were going to get a really solid program, as Dean Ambrose delivered an uneven, but unique, promo.
And then WWE went and pissed it all away. Literally.
There aren’t enough bad things to say about certain large swaths of Raw Monday night. If you could throw a few sticks of dynamite into the tag team division locker room and start over, that might not be a bad idea at this point.
Teaching the writers to show consistency with its characters within the same 90-minute span might also be a good idea. Coming up with good ways to draw heat besides falling back on a wrestler’s penchant for injuring people also is a solid plan.
If Raw could be boiled down to about 90 minutes itself, it would have been perfectly watchable and enjoyable. But we had to slog through a Raw Tag Team Championship match that was just in the toilet.
With that said, let’s find out what delivered and what circled the drain. Let’s get to it…