5 Ups And 9 Downs From WWE Hell In A Cell 2019

6. A Commercial For A Boxing Showdown

braun strowman aj styles

You had to wonder why Braun Strowman was partnered with the Viking Raiders to take on The OC at Hell in a Cell Sunday night. Cedric Alexander would have had a better case for wanting revenge.

But we got our answer after a decent six-man tag match ended in a disappointing DQ. Things broke down and left Braun and AJ Styles alone. AJ went for a Phenomenal Forearm, only for Strowman to slug him on the way down, knocking the United States Champion out. What came next was pure “hilarity.”

Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson tried to rouse Styles, who was spaghetti-legged and loopy, unable to stand or walk after the power of that one, solitary punch from Strowman, a scene that lasted for a solid two minutes all the way up the ramp with Anderson having to tell AJ what day it was and where they were.

You see, Braun had a staredown with Tyson Fury, the (has to look it up) lineal boxing heavyweight champion, at SmackDown on Friday. Since Strowman was already slated to have another riveting staredown with a boxer only boxing fans know, WWE felt the need to suddenly have Braun’s fists feel like cement blocks, leaving Styles to act like a concussed baby.

The six-man tag match wasn’t bad, but having it turn out to be an inconsequential commercial for a Raw showdown between Braun and Fury made this an easy negative.


Scott is a former journalist and longtime wrestling fan who was smart enough to abandon WCW during the Monday Night Wars the same time as the Radicalz. He fortunately became a fan in time for WrestleMania III and came back as a fan after a long high school hiatus before WM XIV. Monday nights in the Carlson household are reserved for viewing Raw -- for better or worse.